Aditya Garudkar
— Founder of Web apps by (AG)
Start coding at age 13 current age 16. i have learnt basic html, css, js, c, xml, java online. Firstly i have sucessfuly run a YouTube channel of my cousion and i also build a successful website for my cousion. I get idea of running a small company or a brand that help the students , persons which have no experience in app or website building . I am now helping to make the websites and apps in low buget.
Website building
I will make your dream website in low buget. by wordpress or blogger.
Android app
I will make a simple android app in low buget. and help to upload it on playstore.
Web app
I will convet you website into android app in low buget. and help to upload it on playstore.
Java, Xml
Firebase database
UI UX Design
YouTube Videos